Southeast Asia Gross National Income and Gross Domestic Product: World Bank Report 2023

These are the final gross domestic product, or GDP of each country in Southeast Asia, according to the latest World Development Indicator issued by the World Bank on June 30, 2023.
Gross Domestic Product, GDP measured by Purchasing Power Parity. It measured the rates of currency conversion that equalize the purchasing power of different currencies by eliminating the differences in price levels between countries.

Singapore, ranked 6th in Southeast Asia in terms of Gross Domestic Product measured in Purchasing power parity with GDP amounting to $719.08 Billion. Singapore ranked first in GDP per capita amounting to $127,564.
Malaysia, ranked 5th in the region in terms of GDP measured in purchasing power Parity amounting to 1 trillion and 134 billion dollars. The country ranked 3rd in the region in GDP per capita which amounts to $33,433.
The Philippines, ranked 4th in Southeast Asia with GDP measured in terms of Purchasing Power Parity amounting to 1 trillion and 170 billion dollars. While it ranked 7th per capita amounting to $10,133.
Vietnam is the 3rd biggest economist in the region with GDP amounting to 1 trillion and 321 billion dollars. It ranked 6th per capita amounting to $13,456.
Thailand remains the second biggest economist in Southeast Asia with GDP amounting to 1 trillion and 482 billion dollars. In terms of GDP per capita, Thailand ranked 4th amounting to $20,671.
Indonesia is the biggest economy in the region with an economy measured in Purchasing power parity amounting to 4 trillion and 36 billion dollars. In terms of GDP per capita, Indonesia ranked 5th amounting to $14,652.

Ranking based on Gross National Income. GNI is the total amount of money earned by the businesses and Citizens of the Nation. It is used to measure and track a nation's wealth from year to year.
In terms of accumulated wealth per nation, Indonesia is still the wealthiest in the region, with accumulated earnings of 1 trillion and 260 billion dollars. Followed by Thailand with an accumulated wealth of $518 Billion.
The Philippines remains the 3rd wealthiest Nation in Southeast Asia with a gross national Income of $457.02 Billion. Malaysia is in the 4th spot with GNI of $399.7 Billion. Vietnam came closer, with gross national Income of $394.1 Billion, followed by Singapore with GNI of $378 Billion.
Amongst the smaller economies in the Region, Myanmar has an accumulated wealth of $65.5 Billion. Cambodia’s GNI is $28.5 Billion. Lao PDR with $17.7 Billion. Brunei Darussalam’s gross national Income is amounting to $14.1 Billion. Timor-Leste had the least accumulated wealth with GNI amounting to $2.6 Billion.
In terms of Income group per country, measured using the GNI per Capita. Singapore is the wealthiest in terms of average earning per capita amounting to $67,201. Followed by Brunei, amounting to $31,406. Both countries are categorized as High-Income Countries.
Southeast Asia’s Upper Middle-Income countries are Malaysia with GNI per Capita of $11,778, followed by Thailand with an average income per capita of $7,234. Indonesia is now upgraded as Upper Middle Income when its GNI per capita reaches $4,576 at the end of 2022.
Meanwhile, Vietnam and the Philippines are in transition to become an Upper Middle-Income Nations. Vietnam’s GNI per capita is $4,041. While the Philippines’ average income per capita is $3,954.
Other Lower Middle-Income countries are Lao PDR with GNI per capita of $2,356, followed by Timor Leste with an average income of $1,970. Cambodia with $1,704, and Myanmar GNI per capita is $1,209.
While per market categorization, Singapore is a highly developed market economy as one of the Four Asian Tigers. Brunei is also considered a Developed Market Economy.
While Indonesia, Malaysia, The Philippines, and Thailand are newly industrialized countries. Vietnam and other 5 smaller Asean countries, are still categorized as developing market economies.
Posted by QUO NEQ in Business on December 18 2023 at 08:58 PM  ·  Public
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