Extraterrestrials of the Seas : An Extraordinary Journey in Our Oceans | Animal Documentary

? The ocean is a vast world to discover. On Earth, forests, mountains, plains and deserts are accessible, but the marine world is much less obvious to observe. Imagine that humans have managed to explore and even map the moon or Mars, but we only know a tiny fraction of our oceans. Only 5% of the ocean floor has been explored by humans. For the remaining 95%, the mystery remains.
The ocean. This vast expanse of salt water between two continents, stirred by ocean currents, represents 70.8% of the Earth's surface. This is what is called "the world ocean". This represents 1.37 billion cubic kilometers of water. It is a vast world that awaits us on this journey that you are taking part in with me from this moment on. A unique and extraordinary world just waiting to be explored.

? As a reminder, the videos are published on SUNDAYS at 6:00 PM.


? Discovering the Oceans:
- It could be voted the most dangerous and scary marine animal in the oceans. The abyssal anglerfish is truly impressive. To meet it, we will have to continue our dive in the depths, between 1000 and 3000 meters.
The anglerfish has an unusual physique. Its jaw is disproportionate and worthy of the worst horror movies. Do you see those long and sharp teeth? They are capable of biting and crushing animals twice its size. But this is far from being its only asset as a deep-sea predator.
The anglerfish can't see very well, but it has a highly developed olfactory system which allows it to detect many odors in the water. At the end of its first dorsal spine, this small luminous ball that you can see is a real trap. Prey are attracted to this beneficial light source and are drawn in like magnets. The anglerfish is quick to pounce on the animal and tear its prey apart.
As a strangeness never comes alone at such depths, here is another little anecdote about this animal. The one you see here is a female. She can measure up to 30 cm approximately. The males are much, much smaller, only 3 cm. What is extraordinary in this unusual couple is that the male lives attached to the female, like a parasite.

When you pronounce the name "shark", it is quite rare not to have a little apprehension. But don't let its name fool you, the whale shark is a species that is, to say the least, friendly!
This marine creature is indeed a shark. The whale shark is an impressive and rather charismatic fish.
It is recognizable by its cartilaginous skeleton, its 7 gill slits on each side of the head and its 300 rows of teeth, that is to say 3000 teeth in total. Its disproportionate size, between 8 and 15 meters for the most impressive, does not play much in its favor either. However, it can still be classified as a "friendly" marine creature! The whale shark is different.
Indeed, this colossal fish does not hunt, it filters its food, like the whales, hence its name. Its teeth are numerous, but they are very small, that is why they are only used to filter the future breakfast of the animal.
These fish are very sweet and curious. They are, in spite of their 20 meters length and their 34 tons, rather nice marine animals! You can swim beside it without fear. And then, look how majestic it is in the water. His movements are soft and slow. It seems that he gives you time to admire him, to discover him and to get to know him. Like many shark and whale species, they are very intelligent and generally curious beings. They are not aggressive and may swim by your side for a few moments before moving on.


? On the program today:
- 00:00 - Introduction
- 03:06 - Life in the deep sea (Seahorses, Cichlids, Hammerhead sharks, Pipa pipa, Tanganyika cuckoo, The Octopus, The ray,
- 25:05 - The most amazing animals of the oceans
- 33:48 - The most frightening marine creatures (Uranoscope, Scaly Dragon, Rat-tailed grenadier, Donzelle, Great swallower, Ophiuroids, Abyssal anglerfish,
- 46:50 - Most dangerous marine animals in our oceans (Sea snake, Barracuda, Blue ringed octopus, White shark, Cone shell)
- 55:24 - The most fascinating marine animals (Whale shark, Manatee, Hammerhead shark, Otter, Sea devil)
- 01:05:12 - The world's largest marine animals (Giant clam, Fin whale, Sunfish, Blue whale)
- 01:11:13 - Extraordinary sea creatures


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Posted by Flora Posies in Documentary on January 08 2024 at 05:50 PM  ·  Public
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